Since missing IM WI 70.3 due to the weather, we have been taking it easy around here. A couple of long bike rides just to enjoy the summer weather here in Wisconsin. We have been ignoring the endless pool, unfortunately. It is just not something that either of us seem to enjoy that much. I need to rediscover the motivational groove, but work hours have been crazy. I am currently working four different places, which helped to pay off the pool quickly. Working so many hours has burned out the drive I had left. There hasn't been much play time. I know I am not the only one who has been working too many hours. Americans are taking less and less vacation. Maybe it is financial, maybe too many demands from work to take time away, who knows. Being a workaholic doesn't pay. We become less productive, as we continue sitting and doing the same work for hours. The human mind can only stay on task just so long, and then the quality and quantity of what we produce decreases. We make more ...